5 sentences about butterfly English and Hindi

If you are a student, teacher or a parent of a student and you are searching for 5 sentences about butterfly for study so you don’t need to worry because we have written 5 sentences about butterfly in English and Hindi in this article.

5 sentences about butterfly in English

  1. Butterflies are insects with large, colorful wings.
  2. They undergo a complete metamorphosis during their life cycle.
  3. Adult butterflies feed on nectar from flowers.
  4. Butterflies play an important role in pollination.
  5. There are over 20,000 species of butterflies worldwide.

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5 sentences about butterfly in Hindi

  1. तितली का रंग बहुत सुन्दर होता है
    The color of the butterfly is very beautiful.
  2. तितली के पैर छोटे होते हैं
    Butterflies have small feet.
  3. तितली का शरीर रेखांकित होता है
    Butterfly’s body is patterned.
  4. तितली के पंख छोटे होते हैं
    Butterflies have small wings.
  5. तितली के पंख अलग अलग रंगो के होते हैं
    Butterfly wings are of different colors.

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